Research Data Centre of the Research Institute Social Cohesion (RDC-RISC)

The Research Data Center of the Research Institute Social Cohesion (RDC-RISC) supports the scientific community by establishing a portal to available data relevant for empirical analysis on issues of social cohesion. This data portal includes data collected within the Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC) as well as external data. The RDC-RISC also fulfills central tasks of documenting, archiving and providing the quantitative data collected at the RISC for secondary scientific use.
- Thematic Focus: Politics & Social Cohesion
- Data type focus: Quantitative
- Status: Accredited
- External Data Ingest: Restricted
- RDM Consultation: No
Data Offer
- German Social Cohesion Panel
- Regional Panel
- Additional surveys
The RDC-RISC supports the RISC projects in data collection, data management and data archiving. It also advises thematically related research networks funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on data management issues as part of the AG “Datenhub Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt/Radikalisierung” (Working Group “Data Hub Social Cohesion/Radicalization”). Moreover, the RDC-RISC is available for queries from data users and will offer user training courses in the near future. Furthermore, it provides the general public with access to central indicators of cohesion via an online data visualization tool and informs about the availability of thematically relevant datasets via its metadata database.
Data Access Mode
The Scientific Use Files are made available free of charge to postdoctoral researchers (primary users) at universities and other research institutions for the purposes of free scientific research and teaching. For reasons of data protection, data use requires registration and the conclusion of a data distribution contract. The data distribution contract authorizes primary users to share the data with supervised persons (secondary users) who are subject to data protection regulations. Depending on the level of sensitivity, access to sensitive data is granted after submission of an extended data protection concept or via the guest researcher desk at the RDC-RISC in Bremen.
Research Data Center of the Research Institute Social Cohesion
SOCIUM Universität Bremen
Mary-Somerville-Str. 5
28359 Bremen