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Research Data Centre of the Halle Institute for Economic Research (RDC-IWH)


Over several decades, the IWH has conducted panel studies on the transformation of the East German economy and has positioned itself in the areas of transformation, European integration, European productivity data and international capital allocation. Currently, research focuses on growth and productivity. Reusable data from these projects are available through the RDC-IWH.

  • Thematic Focus: Economy & Finances
  • Data type focus: Quantitative
  • Status: Accredited
  • External Data Ingest: No
  • RDM Consultation: No

Data Offer

Completed Studies

  • Enterprise data: Panel IWH Industry Survey (postal survey/online survey, standardized questionnaire, new federal states, 1993 – 2017); Panel IWH Construction Survey (postal survey/online survey, standardized questionnaire, new federal states, 1993 – 2017); IWH FDI Micro Database (CATI, standardized questionnaire, new federal states + Central and Eastern European Countries, 2007 – 2013); Managements-Buy-Outs (postal survey, standardized questionnaire, new federal states, 1995); IWH Treuhand Privatisation Micro Database: Data on the privatization of East German companies by the Treuhandanstalt (THA), (1990 – 1994)
  • Others: Transformation Tables: Transformation tables for administrative borders in Germany (1991 – 2015); IWH European Real Estate Index.

Ongoing Studies

  • IWH Subsidy Database: Microdata of direct firm subsidies in Germany
  • CompNet: Productivity and Competitiveness Indicators for European Countries by sector
  • International Banking Library: web-based platform for the exchange of research on cross-border banking


The RDC-IWH offers advice to (potential) users on data supply and access, assists with familiarization with complex data sets, and clarifies data protection issues. Data documentation and contracts are provided in German and English.

Data Access Mode

Depending on the data set, the data will be made available free of charge either as Scientific Use Files for download or as part of a guest visit after a data use agreement has been concluded.


Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) – Member of the Leibniz Association
Kleine Maerkerstrasse 8
06108 Halle (Saale)

Postal Address
c/o Research Data Centre
P.O. Box 11 03 61
D-06017 Halle (Saale), Germany

Phone: +49 345 7753802
E-Mail: fdz@iwh-halle.de