Research Data Centre of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)

The BZgA is the federal government agency of the Federal Ministry of Health. Its main task is the implementation of nationwide prevention and health promotion campaigns.
- Thematic Focus: Health
- Data type focus: Quantitative
- Status: Accredited
- External Data Ingest: No
- RDM Consultation: No
About the Data Centre
The BZgA continously carries out representative surveys to in order to base the measures it employes on a solid research base. Moreover, studies serve the evaluation of measures and the assessment of the population’s susceptibility to campaigns. The datasets (most of which are available to the research community) of these investigations contain information about knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in the general population concerning HIV/AIDS, alcohol and tobacco use and illegal drug use, gambling and gambling addiction, youth sexuality, organ and tissue donation, contraceptive behaviour, and vaccination behaviour.
The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)
Maarweg 149-161
D-50825 Cologne
Tel. +49 (0) 221 8992-0
Fax +49 (0) 221 8992-300