Research Data Centre ALLBUS at GESIS

ALLBUS (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften), German General Social Survey (GGSS) in English, is among the most important survey programmes in Germany. It is organised by GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. The Research Data Center (RDC) ALLBUS provides regulated and user-friendly data access to all interested researchers.
- Thematic Focus: Work, Occupation & Labor Market, Education, Family, Children & Youth, Migration, Politics & Social Cohesion, Other
- Data type focus: Quantitative
- Status: Accredited
- External Data Ingest: Restricted
- RDM Consultation: No
About the Data Centre
Since 1980, ALLBUS has been biannually surveying representative cross-sectional samples of the German population. These biennial surveys include partly constant and partly variable modules of questions and derived data (added value). The data and metadata are processed and documented according to high standards. They facilitate:
- Analyses of social structure, attitudes, values and behavior in Germany
- Social monitoring and comparisons over time
- Investigation of methodological questions
- Provision of reference data for people in research or education.
ALLBUS products are available to interested researchers and teachers in a range of easy-to-use versions. Methodological reports document survey details. Additionally, extensive information are available online. Users may publish their research results based on ALLBUS independently and without prior restrictions.
- Find a complete overview of ALLBUS data and services at: German General Social Survey.
- Complete access to data and documents at: Data Access – ALLBUS Studies.
The activities of the RDC “Allbus” adhere to the accreditation criteria of the German Data Forum.
Available Data
Person-related data: ALLBUS individual surveys, Full versions (1980-2012), ALLBUScompact (1980-2012), ALLBUS time series (ALLBUS-Cumulation) (1980-2012)
Dr. Pascal Siegers und Dr. Franziska Quoß
Phone: +49 221-47694-440