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LMU-ifo Economics & Business Data Center (EBDC)


The mission of the LMU-ifo Economics & Business Data Center (EBDC), the joint RDC of the ifo Institute and both the Department of Economics and the School of Management of LMU Munich, is to facilitate innovative empirical research projects by designing and providing infrastructure, data and expertise. With the EBDC Business Panels, the EBDC provides unique data sets on German companies that include survey data from the ifo Institute on business, innovation and investment activity as well as external financing and structural data.

  • Thematic Focus: Work, Occupation & Labor Market, Education, Family, Children & Youth, Economy & Finances
  • Data type focus: Quantitative
  • Status: Accredited
  • External Data Ingest: Yes
  • RDM Consultation: Yes

Data Offer

  • EBDC Business Expectation Panel (ongoing), EBDC Business Investment Panel (2022 discontinued), EBDC Business Innovation Panel (2015 discontinued): ifo business survey data on business, innovation and investment activity linked with corporate finance and structural data
  • ifo Business Survey (ongoing): ifo business survey data on business activity with numerous questions on special topics, consists of 5 individual surveys: manufacturing, construction, retail/wholesale, services and insurance
  • ifo Investment Survey (2022 discontinued): ifo business survey data on investment activity with numerous questions on special topics, consists of 2 individual surveys of the manufacturing sector and retail/wholesale
  • ifo Innovation Survey (2015 discontinued): ifo business survey data on innovation activity with numerous questions on special topics, only for manufacturing sector
  • ifo HR Survey und ifo Personnel Manager Survey (ongoing)
  • ifo Education Survey (laufend): Individual survey on education topics
  • ifo Prussian Economic History Database (iPEHD): Database on Prussian economic history
  • ifo World Economic Survey (2019 discontinued): Economic expert survey


The EBDC offers German- and English-language data documentation and variable lists, regular workshops and advice for guest users from the EBDC team. In addition, it is possible to deposit or publish (FAIR) replication packages for research projects carried out at the EBDC. Furthermore, after consultation, own data can be linked to EBDC data sets, as long as the anonymity of the survey participants is guaranteed.

Data Access Mode

The data, which are made available free of charge for purely academic, non-commercial research projects only, are accessible at the EBDC at the ifo Institute in Munich (on-site). In addition, after an initial visit to the EBDC, it is possible to send analysis programs to the EBDC team and get result files back (remote execution). Furthermore, a secure, interactive, cloud-based remote data processing option is available (remote access), although the operating costs have to be passed on to the users. The prerequisite is always the conclusion of a user contract.


ifo Institut – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
an der Universität München e.V.
Poschingerstr. 5
81679 München

Telefon: +49(89)9224-0
Fax: +49(89)985369
E-Mail: ifo@ifo.de