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Research Data Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FDZ)

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The Research Data Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FDZ) offers access to adminstrative and survey data from the BAMF. With this data, researchers can answer relevant questions in the field of migration and integration research.

  • Thematic Focus: Migration
  • Data type focus: Quantitative
  • Status: Accredited
  • External Data Ingest: No
  • RDM Consultation: No

Data Offer

Administrative data

  • The Central Register of Foreigners (AZR): The AZR contains legally required administrative data on foreigners living in Germany. The BAMF-FDZ offers three AZR data products:
    • AZR-Research Data: Anonymized random sample
    • Statistics from the AZR’s full administrative data source: Personalized descriptive statistics
    • Contact data: Contact data to enable scientific surveys
  • Vocational Language Courses (BSK): The administrative data contain information on vocational language classes provided to promote German language skills in professional contexts. The BAMF-FDZ provides data on the individual as well as on the class level for three data products:
    • BSK-Research Data: Anonymized random yearly samples since 2016
    • Statistics from the BSK‘s full administrative data source: Personalized descriptive statistics
    • Contact data: Contact data to enable scientific surveys

Survey data

  • “Selected Migrant Groups in Germany” 2015 (RAM 2015): The data contains Polish, Romanian and Turkish citizens as well as Germans with a Turkish migration background. The survey from 2015 focuses on questions on integration.


The BAMF-FDZ offers individual advice on the data portfolio and data access options. General information is provided on the homepage in addition to detailed documentation.

Data Access Mode

Data access is free of charge for researchers employed in scientific institutions conducting academic research. Depending on the data product chosen, data can be accessed on-site through our guest researcher workplaces, off-site as Scientific Use File (SUF) or through data transfer according to security guidelines.


Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge
Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl
Referat FDZ – Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ)
Frankenstr. 210
90461 Nürnberg

E-Mail: fdz@bamf.bund.de