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RDM project grants

FDM project funding of KonsortSWD supports researchers and RDCs in preparing and making available relevant new data corpora for secondary use.

The availability of research data is essential for scientific research. Reusability of data, in particular, is playing an increasingly important role in the scientific research process. With research data centres (RDC), established infrastructures are available that sustainably provide research data according to the FAIR principles. KonsortSWD’s research data management grants aim at supporting the transfer of existing data troves into these sustainable research infrastructures, thus enabling researchers to work with them.

Financial support for data sharing for Researchers

RDM project grants support researchers in preparing and making available relevant new data collections for secondary use in accordance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). Their aim is to facilitate the dissemination of qualitative or quantitative data troves that have not yet been archived or made available to the scientific community. Enriching existing data corpora by facilitating linkage to other data sources, thereby enlarging the analytical potential of these data sources, is also eligible for funding. By collaborating with research data centres (RDCs), data owners can make their unique data available to scientific research communities and benefit from the RDCs’ professional data management services, thereby enhancing the visibility of their data and the impact of their research. Data holders may apply for financial support for the work involved in preparing the data for publication in an RDC.

Financial support for data ingest for RDCs

Research data centres that ingest, secure, publish, and make available for reuse external data may apply for financial support for the curation work they perform.

The first round of calls ended in April 2021.

Call for applications 2023


  • Publication of call for applications: March 2023
  • Application deadline: September 30th, 2023
  • Announcement of funding: end of June 2024
  • Earliest start of funding: October 1st, 2024

Tender documents:

FAQs Call for applications

What is the scope of the funding?

The funding per application comprises a maximum of 30,000 EUR (plus 22% DFG program allowance, provided that the applicant institution has established guidelines for the use of the program allowance). The appropriateness of the requested funding amount for the project is determined by the amount of work required to provide the data or to create an anonymization concept, which applicants describe in their application.

For whom can resources be requested: Data provider and/or RDC?

You can apply for resources for data providers as well as for data-receiving data centers. Depending on where workloads occur and what qualifications are necessary for processing, these can be budgeted accordingly as material and personnel costs for student assistants or research assistants. Data holders should discuss the work plan and corresponding cost calculations with the data-receiving RDC in advance of the application.

How do I find a suitable RDC for my data?

This overview page lists all RDC accredited by the RatSWD. Thematic filtering allows you to restrict your search to relevant data centers. In addition, data can be made available for subsequent use via the GESIS Data Archive. If you have any questions regarding the RDC search, you can also contact the coordination office of the FDI Committee (Friederike Schlücker friederike.schluecker@lifbi.de; 0951/863-4346).

Data holders contact an RDC early in the application process with a brief presentation of their data. They ask to check whether their data fit the RDC’s inventory and whether there is interest in data recording and in a joint application for research data management project funding. You then also clarify with the RDC whether the data protection requirements (e.g. on the basis of consent declarations in the case of surveys) for transferring the data to the RDC and for subsequent use by third parties exist. Please plan enough time for the coordination with the RDC.

In which language can I apply for RDM project grants?

Applications can be submitted in German or English. Note that templates are provided in German only. You may fill in the text in English.