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RDM project grants

FDM project funding of KonsortSWD supports researchers and RDCs in preparing and making available relevant new data corpora for secondary use.

The availability of research data is essential for scientific research. Reusability of data, in particular, is playing an increasingly important role in the scientific research process. With research data centres (RDC), established infrastructures are available that sustainably provide research data according to the FAIR principles. KonsortSWD’s research data management grants aim at supporting the transfer of existing data troves into these sustainable research infrastructures, thus enabling researchers to work with them.

Financial support for data sharing for Researchers

RDM project grants support researchers in preparing and making available relevant new data collections for secondary use in accordance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). Their aim is to facilitate the dissemination of qualitative or quantitative data troves that have not yet been archived or made available to the scientific community. Enriching existing data corpora by facilitating linkage to other data sources, thereby enlarging the analytical potential of these data sources, is also eligible for funding. By collaborating with research data centres (RDCs), data owners can make their unique data available to scientific research communities and benefit from the RDCs’ professional data management services, thereby enhancing the visibility of their data and the impact of their research. Data holders may apply for financial support for the work involved in preparing the data for publication in an RDC.

Financial support for data ingest for RDCs

Research data centres that ingest, secure, publish, and make available for reuse external data may apply for financial support for the curation work they perform.

The first round of calls ended in April 2021.

Call for applications 2023


  • Publication of call for applications: March 2023
  • Application deadline: September 30th, 2023
  • Announcement of funding: end of June 2024
  • Earliest start of funding: October 1st, 2024

Tender documents:

FAQs Call for applications

What is the scope of the funding?

The funding per application comprises a maximum of 30,000 EUR (plus 22% DFG program allowance, provided that the applicant institution has established guidelines for the use of the program allowance). The appropriateness of the requested funding amount for the project is determined by the amount of work required to provide the data or to create an anonymization concept, which applicants describe in their application.

For whom can resources be requested: Data provider and/or RDC?

You can apply for resources for data providers as well as for data-receiving data centers. Depending on where workloads occur and what qualifications are necessary for processing, these can be budgeted accordingly as material and personnel costs for student assistants or research assistants. Data holders should discuss the work plan and corresponding cost calculations with the data-receiving RDC in advance of the application.

How do I find a suitable RDC for my data?

This overview page lists all RDC accredited by the RatSWD. Thematic filtering allows you to restrict your search to relevant data centers. In addition, data can be made available for subsequent use via the GESIS Data Archive. If you have any questions regarding the RDC search, you can also contact the coordination office of the FDI Committee (Friederike Schlücker friederike.schluecker@lifbi.de; 0951/863-4346).

Data holders contact an RDC early in the application process with a brief presentation of their data. They ask to check whether their data fit the RDC’s inventory and whether there is interest in data recording and in a joint application for research data management project funding. You then also clarify with the RDC whether the data protection requirements (e.g. on the basis of consent declarations in the case of surveys) for transferring the data to the RDC and for subsequent use by third parties exist. Please plan enough time for the coordination with the RDC.

In which language can I apply for RDM project grants?

Applications can be submitted in German or English. Note that templates are provided in German only. You may fill in the text in English.

Funded projects in 2023

Notified mass layoffs (Betriebliche Anzeigen zu Massenentlassungen)

  • Applicant: Hannes Walz (IAB and FAU-Erlangen-Nürnberg)
  • RDC involved: FDZ-IAB
  • Project start: 01.01.2025
  • Project end: 31.07.2025

This project makes a dataset on mass redundancy notifications usable for secondary use.
This includes the creation of an anonymisation concept, the linking and standardised
processing of employment biographies of employees of affected companies (from the IAB
data) and the associated data documentation. The resulting data set is to be made available to the international research community for secondary use via the Research Data Centre of the Federal Employment Agency at the IAB. It offers previously unavailable information for researching the consequences of mass redundancies in the tradition of Jacobsen, Lalonde and Sullivan (1993).

20 Jahre Protestbefragungsdaten / 20 years of protest survey data

  • Applicants: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Haunss (University of Bremen, SOCIUM – Research Center for Inequality and Social Policy), Dr. Piotr Kocyba (Else-Frenkel-Brunswik Institute (EFBI), Leipzig University), Dr. Pascal Siegers (Research Data Center ALLBUS at GESIS), Dr. Simon Teune (Freie Universität Berlin)
  • RDC involved: RDC ALLBUS at GESIS
  • Project start: 01.01.2025
  • Project end: 30.06.2025

For the proposed project the data collected by the Institute for Protest and Social Movement Studies from a total of 45 protest surveys will be processed, standardised, documented and published. The surveys were collected at 31 protest events between 2003 and 2023 on various topics (peace, climate protection, food, world trade, migration, etc.). Protest survey data, i.e. the results of on-site surveys of demonstration participants, provide event-related information on the motives, attitudes and demographic characteristics of protesters. These data sets are one of the world’s most comprehensive collections of protest survey data, which have been collected using a survey instrument that has been further developed and modified over time but is nevertheless standardised.

Crime in the modern city

  • Applicant: Prof. Dr. Jost Reinecke (Bielefeld University)
  • RDC involved: GESIS SowiDataNet|datorium
  • Project start: 01.10.2024
  • Project end: 31.07.2025

The RDM project aims to make the data from the DFG-funded criminological panel study
‘Crime in the modern City’ (CrimoC) available to the interested scientific public in a suitable infrastructure for secondary analyses. In addition to checking the degree of anonymisation of the existing data, the necessary steps for this project include the design and implementation of a data management plan and the development of options for long-term archiving. The topics covered by the surveys include the attitudes and criminal activities of adolescents and young adults.

CILS4NEPS-E - Harmonised data of the Starting Cohort 4 (SC4) of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) and the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4EU) - Extension

  • Applicants: Andreas Horr (coordinator NEPS-Migration; LIfBi), Dr. Jörg Dollmann (project manager CILS4EU; MZES), Lena Arnold (project team, CILS4EU, MZES)
  • RDC involved: RDC-LIfBi, FDZ-IAB
  • Project start: 01.10.2024
  • Project end: 31.03.2025

This is an extension of the CILS4NEPS project to harmonise and merge the data from starting cohort 4 (SC4) of the National Educational Panel Study NEPS (hereafter: NEPS SC4; Blossfeld et al. 2011) with the data from the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4EU; Kalter et al. 2016). In an initial RDM-funded project, the first three CILS4EU waves were harmonised with the corresponding waves from NEPS SC4 (waves 1 to 6) of the student survey in an ex-post harmonisation. This has already created a large data potential. Due to the wealth of data in the original datasets the possibilities for harmonisation have not yet been exhausted. The work is now to be extended to additional waves of both longitudinal studies (incl. the two COVID-19 surveys), the harmonisation of the parent surveys and the performance test on basic cognitive skills. The completed, previous harmonisation project has already shown how the two data sets, which relate to the same target population, can be successfully combined and it is the basis for extensions.

Note: The harmonisation of the data itself is carried out entirely by the applicants and project team. The RDC-LIfBi (Dr. Daniel Fuß) and, in the future, the FDZ-IAB (Dr. Dana Müller) will cooperate in providing the linked IAB data.

Funded projects in 2021

B-STA-R: Bilateral Science and Technology Agreements Repository

  • Applicant: Nicolas Rüffin (WZB)
  • RDC involved: GESIS
  • Project start: 01.07.2021
  • Project end: 31.08.2021

Rüffin, Nicolas (2021): B-STA-R: A repository for bilateral science and technology agreements. Version 1.0.0. WZB Berlin Social Science Center. Dataset. doi.org/10.7802/2310

The B-STA-R data set contains information on 1138 original bilateral Science & Technology cooperation agreements and a number of follow-up agreements concluded mainly by G20 and OECD countries between 1937 and 2020. The data was collected between 2017 and 2021, prepared for publication between July and August 2021 and published in September 2021. All published information is available to interested users under a CC BY 4.0 licence. Among other things, information on the year the agreement was concluded, the entry into force, the initially agreed agreement term and the existence of full texts of the agreements are documented. There is also a comprehensive explanation of the search strategies used to generate the data set and the selection criteria used. All information is provided in English. B-STA-R thus allows scientific analyses in the fields of international relations, science studies, foreign science policy and history.

CILS4NEPS: Harmonisation and merging of data from the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4EU) with data from Starting Cohort 4 of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)

  • Applicants: Dr. Jörg Dollmann (MZES, University of Mannheim), Andreas Horr (LIfBi)
  • RDC involved: RDC-LIfBi
  • Project start: 01.07.2021
  • Project end: 30.06.2022

Dollmann, J., Horr, A., Arnold, L., Kerzner, V., Schmidt, R., Weber, F., & Weißmann, M. (2023). CILS4NEPS – A Harmonised Dataset Based on CILS4EU and NEPS SC4, Scientific Use File 1.0. FDZ-LIfBi, Bamberg. https://doi.org/10.5157/CILS4NEPS:SUF:1.0

The aim of the project is to create additional research potential by combining the two high-quality data sources NEPS SC4 and CILS4EU, which would not be possible or only possible to a limited extent with the individual data sets. For national analyses, a combination of both sources represents a meaningful enrichment. In addition, it will be possible to make the data from NEPS SC4 usable for international comparisons in order to compare the school careers of young people in Germany with those in England, the Netherlands or Sweden (the three countries participating in CILS4EU alongside Germany). The combination of the two data sets is appropriate because both NEPS SC4 and CILS4EU refer to the same target population (adolescents aged 14-15) or even to the same population (adolescents in grade 9 in the 2010/11 school year) and have implemented a very similar sampling approach at school level.

Mobile knowledge: The glocalisation of medical professional knowledge and practice (Glopro)

  • Applicant: Prof. Dr. Anja Weiß (University of Duisburg-Essen)
  • RDC involved: Prof. Dr. Betina Hollstein (RDC Qualiservice, University of Bremen)
  • Project start: 01.07.2021
  • Project end: 30.11.2021

Sommer, Ilka; Weingartz, Sarah; Elçin, Melih; Tuncel, Bilge; Weiß, Anja (2021): Globalizing medical knowledge and practise: Doctor-patient-interaction videoobserved at a university hospital in Ankara (Turkey). Transcripts, translation, audiovisual and context material. Qualiservice. (data set). https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.939234

Weiß, Anja; Sommer, Ilka; Chen, Wei; Liu, Tao; Guo, Fan; Liu, Wenting (2021): Globalizing medical knowledge and practise. Doctor-patient-interaction videoobserved at a university hospital in Beijing (PRChina). Transcripts, translation, audiovisual and context material. Qualiservice. (data set). https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.939235

Weiß, Anja; Sommer, Ilka; Merse, Stefanie; Weingartz, Sarah; Wietasch, Götz; Maass, Alexander; Assa, Solmaz (2021): Globalizing medical knowledge and practise. Doctor patientinteraction videoobserved at a university hospital in Groningen (Netherlands). Transcripts, translation, audiovisual and context material. Qualiservice. (data set). https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.939238

Weiß, Anja; Sommer, Ilka; Merse, Stefanie; Störk, Stefan; Breunig, Margret; Morbach, Caroline (2021): Globalizing medical knowledge and practise. Doctor-patient-interaction videoobserved at a university hospital in Würzburg (Germany). Transcripts, translation, audiovisual and context material. Qualiservice. (data set).

The four data sets of the Glopro project expand the spectrum of qualitative social science
research data to include audiovisual data that has so far been scarcely available for reuse
nationally and internationally. Qualiservice has taken organisational and technical measures to do justice to the particular sensitivity resulting from the collection of video recordings and to guarantee their long-term scientific reusability. Thanks to the comparative research design, the high information density of the video recordings, the transcriptions in the national languages and the translations into English, this data offers a wide range of possibilities for secondary analyses and the processing of questions, particularly from the fields of professional research, sociology of knowledge, medical sociology and health sciences.

The Glopro project analyses the globality/universality and the locality/specificity of professional medical knowledge. On the basis of the anonymised transcripts, which can be can be made available on request, the data set enables the processing of questions in sociology (medical sociology, social studies of science and medicine, sociology of professions, interculturality, migration research), but also basic research, e.g. in the sociology of knowledge. The videos in the data set can be used under the conditions of Qualiservice’s data protection concept, e.g. for basic research in the sociology of interaction. Research on medical communication and conversation analysis in the field of primary and secondary care has hardly ever been conducted in a transnational comparative framework. The data set offers excellent opportunities for comparison, including comparative linguistic research.

In addition, the data set (especially in the form of anonymised transcripts) has great potential for further use in medical didactics, which was pointed out several times in interdisciplinary discussions by medical didactics experts. On the one hand, ‘best practices’ as well as typical problems that occur in doctor-patient communication could be identified. On the other hand, the comparative perspective offers opportunities to reflect on and critically scrutinise existing communicative routines.

Health behaviour and injuries in school age (GUS)

  • Applicant: Prof. Dr. Andreas Klocke (Research Centre of Demographic Change (FZDW)
    at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences)
  • RDC involved: RDC-LIfBi
  • Project start: 01.07.2021
  • Project end: 30.06.2022

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences & Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe (2022):Gesundheitsverhalten und Unfallgeschehen im Schulalter (GUS), Scientific Use File. FDZ-LIfBi, Bamberg. https:/doi.org/10.5157/GUS:SUF:1.0

Preparation, documentation and provision of the data corpus of the panel study ‘Health
behaviour and injuries in school age’. The data from the survey of more than 10,000 pupils in grades 5 to 10, which was conducted in six waves, supplemented by information from head teachers and interviewers, offers the scientific community a great potential for analysis at the intersection of education and school research as well as risk, accident, injury and health research.

Language situation at the inner-German border

  • Applicant: Dr. Nicole Palliwoda (University of Siegen), Prof. Dr. Alexander Werth
    (University of Passau)
  • RDC involved: Dr. Thomas Schmidt (Archive for Spoken German (AGD) at Leibniz
    Institute for the German Language (IDS)
  • Project start: 01.09.2021
  • Project end: 30.06.2022

Development and provision of data from two projects on the language situation at the inner-German border for secondary use. The material serves the research interests of dialectology, language change research and language sociology. In addition, there are cross-disciplinary links to research questions in sociology (e.g. socio-biography), history (especially oral history) and political science (e.g. attitude research). The sociolinguistic corpora on language use at the inner-German border contain audio recordings and transcripts.

Paying Attention to Attention: Media Exposure and Opinion Formation in an Age of Information Overload (MEOF)

  • Applicant: Prof. Dr. Simon Munzert (Hertie School)
  • RDC involved: RDC Elections at GESIS
  • Project start: 01.09.2021
  • Project end: 31.08.2022

Munzert, Simon; Barberá, Pablo; Guess, Andrew M.; Yang, JungHwan (2022): Media
Exposure and Opinion Formation in an Age of Information Overload (MEOF) – Survey
Germany. GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA7894 Datenfile Version
1.0.0. https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13979

Guess, Andrew M.; Barberá, Pablo; Yang, JungHwan; Munzert, Simon (2022): Media
Exposure and Opinion Formation in an Age of Information Overload (MEOF) – Survey U.S.A..GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA7895 Datenfile Version 1.0.0. https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13980

Munzert, Simon; Barberá, Pablo; Guess, Andrew M.; Yang, JungHwan (2022): Media
Exposure and Opinion Formation in an Age of Information Overload (MEOF) – Webtracking on-site. GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA7896 Datenfile Version
1.0.0. https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13981

Preparation and provision of a comparative panel survey data set from the USA and
Germany combined with web tracking data for scientific reuse. The survey content makes
this data corpus particularly valuable for research in political science, communication and
media studies, as well as sociology. The linking of the survey data with web tracking data contributes significantly to the attractiveness of the database; at the same time, research
into the feasibility of making such potentially highly sensitive data available is relevant
beyond the usefulness of the specific project data. Therefore, an anonymization concept for this web tracking data is being developed as part of this project.

MainLife - Development of the life story

  • Applicant: Prof. Dr. Tilmann Habermas (Goethe University Frankfurt)
  • RDC involved: Prof. Dr. Betina Hollstein (RDC Qualiservice, Universitäy of Bremen);
  • Project start: 01.09.2021
  • Project end: 31.08.2022

Habermas, Tilmann (2022): MainLife: Entwicklung der Lebensgeschichte. Transkripte der Erzählungen. Qualiservice, PANGAEA. https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.946345

Habermas, Tilmann (2022): MainLife – Entwicklung der Lebensgeschichte (quantitativer Teil). GESIS, Köln. ZA6711 Datenfile Version 1.0.0. https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13955

Preparation, documentation and provision of the study ‘MainLife – Development of Life
Stories’ for scientific reuse. This study uniquely links qualitative (life narratives) with
extensive quantitative data within a longitudinal design (16 years, 5 measurements)
spanning six age cohorts (covering ages 8 to 80) using a cohort-sequence design. Both
components can be reused separately or in combination.

MainLife makes it possible to investigate how the ability to narrate one’s own life develops, how the retrospective view of one’s own life – and thus the narrative identity – changes over time, and to consider differential developmental trajectories over the entire lifespan. The life narratives can be related to life events, personality and well-being. They can be analysed qualitatively and quantitatively for a variety of questions from psychology, sociology and linguistics as well as for interdisciplinary questions.

Anonymisation concept for a linked establishment data set from data from the Federal Archives with data from the IAB

  • Applicant: Dr. Sandra Dummert ; Dr. Heiko Stüber; Dana Müller (RDC BA/IAB)
  • RDC involved: RDC BA/IAB
  • Project start: 01.01.2022
  • Project end: 31.03.2022

The aim of the research project ,Anonymisation Concept for a Linked Establishment Data set from Data of the B 412 Inventory, Treuhandanstalt / Federal Agency for Special Tasks Arising from Unification (THA/BvS), of the Federal Archives (BArch) with Data from the IAB’ was to develop a concept on how linked data from both institutions – BArch and IAB – should be anonymized in order to make it available to the research community in compliance with data protection regulations, in accordance with the Federal Archives Act (BArchG) and the Social Code (SGB).

The data include THA/BvS records, archived at BArch under reference B 412/135408 and
prepared according to BArchG, which were provided to the Research Data Center of the
Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment Research (FDZ-BA/IAB) for a
cooperative project with the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH). Additionally, the
data contain administrative operational data from the IAB, specifically the Establishment
History Panel (BHP). The data sets from both institutions contain similar information and are therefore suitable for creating a historical research data set.

In developing the anonymization concept, the IAB first reviewed the comprehensive THA/BvS data. Subsequently, a two-step selection process identified suitable, comparable variables. In the first step, the data’s (hypothetical) suitability for labor market and occupational research was assessed in line with the restricted purpose-bound data access under the SGB. In the second step, calculated distribution metrics formed the basis for selecting variables. Information that could potentially identify specific companies was excluded at both selection stages. To prevent re-identification of companies, selected variables for labor market and occupational research will be provided in a more generalized format only. Additionally, after data preparation, a sample extraction of the linked data set will be conducted.

The anonymization concept is a key component for meeting the data protection requirements stipulated by both the BArchG and the SGB, supporting efforts to make a linked data product from the THA/BvS records and IAB administrative data available to the research community.