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Services for RDCs

KonsortSWD trains and advises data centres. With tools and materials, we support RDCs in providing their high-quality data

Secure data access point network – RDCnet

Networking of workstations for visiting scientists for easy yet secure access to non-anonymized microdata.

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Training courses – RDM Compas

Development and exchange of professional expertise in research data management

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Contract Templates

Offer reference processes to support FDZs in implementing FAIR principles for sustainable and trustworthy data access through quality standards.

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QualidataNet – Sharing and re-using qualitative research data

Support of archiving and sharing of qualitative data in social research.

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RDM project grants

FDM project funding of KonsortSWD supports researchers and RDCs in preparing and making available relevant new data corpora for secondary use.

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Data discoverability consulting

Best practices for research data visibility in metasearch engines like Google & Co.

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PID Service for data elements below the study level

Make content within datasets referenceable and findable.

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Open data format

Open, non-proprietary format for the exchange of research data and metadata for use with popular statistical programs.

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CODI – Automated Coding of Open Responses

Automated and efficient coding of text responses to open-ended questions into standardised, quality assured categories.

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Open APIs for standardised data access

A standard for Unified Information and Data Access
Reduction of hurdles in data use and data provision through uniform interfaces.

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Harmonized Variables

Combine survey data more easily through standardized and harmonized variables

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