Application submitted: Forum Research Ethics
On the 16th of December, the project proposal for the establishment of a Forum for Research Ethics in the Social and Economic Sciences was submitted to the German Research Foundation (DFG).
The aim of the forum is to establish an information infrastructure for ethical research data management (EFDM) and to support the work of ethics committees through an online resource platform, workshops and a contact point. The project is to be based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) and the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) and will be supported by a scientific advisory board.
Der Antrag wurde von einer Task Force des RatSWD miterarbeitet und durch insgesamt 29 Fachgesellschaften und forschungsethische Initiativen durch Letters of Support unterstützt. Antragsstellende sind Prof. Dr. Hella von Unger (LMU), Prof. Dr. Jan Paul Heisig (WZB), Prof. Dr. Monika Jungbauer-Gans (DZHW) und Dr. Klaus-Rainer Brintzinger (LMU).
The application was co-developed by a task force of the German Data Forum (RatSWD) and supported by a total of 29 scientific societies and research ethics initiatives through letters of support. The applicants are Prof. Dr. Hella von Unger (LMU), Prof. Dr. Jan Paul Heisig (WZB), Prof. Dr. Monika Jungbauer-Gans (DZHW) and Dr. Klaus-Rainer Brintzinger (LMU).
Research ethics at the RatSWD
Overview of the RatSWD’s previous research ethics programmes