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E-Science-Tage 2023

Empower Your Research - Preserve Your Data

Research, especially in light of digital transformation, needs a coordinated environment. This includes powerful infrastructures and tools that will ensure the management, backup and storage of research data over its entire life-cycle and enable the data to be easily shared with research and education communities.

Sustainable and transparent availability and accessibility of data are two of the most important requirements – not only for one’s own research but also for interdisciplinary and international academic collaboration. Furthermore, availability and accessibility are important conditions for the acquisition of knowledge and prompting new scientific inquiries.

These vital aspects can be efficiently facilitated and supported by paying closer attention to, inter alia:

  • the assessment of data quality,
  • the use of appropriate metadata schemes,
  • the selection of adequate repositories and databanks,
  • and the security of digital infrastructure as well as
  • the technical, legal and ethical aspects of data preservation

in the context of research data management.