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The social sciences in roadmap processes

RatSWD working group during the 6th appointment period (2017–2020)

In research policy, various roadmap processes seek to prioritise infrastructure projects on a national and European level. Despite the high relevance of these processes for research funding, research data infrastructure projects from the social, behavioural, or economic sciences were neither among the applicants during the German roadmap pilot process, nor among the first application round. The working group seeks to analyse the reasons for this lack of participation. Based on its results, the working group will develop recommendations for policy makers on future tenders and recommendations to prepare academic communities and infrastructure facilities for the competition.

  • Format: Working group
  • Goal: Assessment of roadmap processes and other research funding schemes aimed at large-scale research infrastructures; recommendations resulting from an exchange with stakeholders
  • Output: Publication of a position paper as part of the RatSWD Output Series
  • Timeframe: Start: spring 2018, completion: summer 2019, publication: end of 2019