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Skills development in research data centres (RDCs)

RatSWD working group during the 6th appointment period (2017–2020)

To foster acceptance for the RDC model and data sharing in general, it is essential that RDCs provide trustworthy, reliable, and high-quality services. To take on these diverse and complex tasks, RDCs rely on highly-skilled scientific and non-scientific staff with the capacity to continuously incorporate novel technological and methodological developments into their work. The German Data Forum’s working group will examine the skill requirements for RDC personnel, existing staff development strategies, and human resource needs of the RDCs. Additionally, the working group will examine the competence requirements for RDC users. Building on the results of this analysis, the working group will develop recommendations on cross-RDC activities in skills development.

  • Format: Joint working group of German Data Forum and FDI Committee
  • Ziel: Assessment of the current situation at accredited RDCs and development of recommendations for medium and long-term implementation by the RDCs
  • Recommendations for RDCs
  • Zeitraum: Start: October 2017, completion of analysis: October 2018, publication of recommendations by December 2019