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Improving access to existing data at research data centres

RatSWD working group during the 6th appointment period (2017–2020)

For legal reasons, some data offered by research data centres cannot be downloaded by researchers, but may only be analysed on-site at the respective storage facilities. Extending access modes to include remote access to (formally anonymised or granular) data offered by RDCs via other RDCs (the so-called RDC-in-RDC model) makes it easier for researchers to access data. The aim of this group is to examine the prerequisites for implementing existing prototypes as comprehensively as possible within the research data network (FDZnet). The working group will identify necessary strategies and recommendations to implement such a research data network. This includes a strategy for certification of guest researcher workstations as a mode of secure
data access.

  • Format: Joint working group of German Data Forum and FDI Committee
  • Goal: Assessment of the current situation at accredited RDCs and development of recommendations for medium and long-term implementation by the RDCs
  • Output: Recommendations for RDCs
  • Timeframe: Start: October 2017, completion of analysis: December 2018, completion of recommendations: summer 2019