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Decentral archiving structure at research data centres

RatSWD working group during the 6th appointment period (2017–2020)

The working group will develop recommendations on joint quality standards for (decentral) archiving and on the establishment of a decentral, user-friendly archiving infrastructure. The recommendations will focus on the specifics of different scientific disciplines as well as the various available digital object types (quantitative data, text, images, etc.). The working group‘s activities will begin with an inventory of existing standards and procedures of data archiving and the archiving infrastructure offered by accredited RDCs. This inventory will focus on content/disciplines/subject groups and the types of data/digital object types.

  • Format: Joint working group of German Data Forum and FDI Committee
  • Goal: Assessment of the current situation at the accredited RDCs and development of recommendations for medium and long-term implementation by the RDCs
  • Output: Recommendations for RDCs
  • Timeframe: Start: October 2017, completion of analysis: December 2018, publication of recommendations: December 2019