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05 - 05
Juni / Dez.

Leibniz workshop series on the introduction to research data management (RDM)

The English-language workshops are open to all interested colleagues from both research and science support. The workshops are intended to support our institutes in the basic provision of RDM knowledge.

Three dates have been scheduled, which will be presented by different Leibniz colleagues:

5th June 2024, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Jeanne Wilbrandt (FLI, Section C) and Ron Dockhorn (IPF, Section D)

5th September 2024, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Mathis Fräßdorf (WZB, Section B) and Kristin Meier (ZALF, Section E)

5th December 2024, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Moritz Kurzweil (GWZO, Section A) and Silvia Polla (WIAS, Section D)

After a general introduction to research data management, the colleagues will turn to more subject-specific content and will also be open to the specific questions and needs of the participants. Since the lecturers come from different Sections, a wide range of subject-specific RDM knowledge is represented and available to answer your questions.

Registration for the first event on 5th June 2024 from 10.00 am – 1.00 pm is now open here. You can also let us know which topics and specific RDM-related topics you’d like to see addressed. Registration deadline is 19th May, 2024.